Quest Commissions

==➔ "Non-Commercial (Private/Personal Use)" ==Conversions:
Please note; Model conversions are on a per-model basis
✩$10- (No optimization in blender, just a conversion of the model as is)==✩+$5- For any optimization in blender. ==This means that you ask me to decimate the mesh and reweight afterwards to get the model down in polys for you to make it better sized for quest ♥PLEASE SEE ADD-ONS SECTION FOR POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL UPCHARGES

"Commercial Usage" Conversions:==✩ Starting at $20+ - Quest Conversion ==(Will include any and all minor optimizations/bone merging or other work I will have to do in blender.)(Additional charges/price may vary or be higher than this depending on the working time/work effort of commercial work due to optimization being included in the price.)
For commercial usage, I also request a link to my gumroard and a discord credit for the quest work <3
Bundled prices for packages:
Opti+Quest for personal use: $15Opti+Quest for Commercial: $22NOTE: when you bundle both packages together for the work, you get roughly a 35% savings ♥* Additional fees/total price may still be higher depending on amount of blender work required, as well as any additional working times that may concur.
Rush Orders!!
Need a quest/opti model done sooner than my normal working time? That's possible too! on average, i take 2 days maximum to make a model quest, sometimes 3, since i work on models after my irl working times or my off days. if you need a model done faster than that, i can do that for you!Rush order fee: $10 for both personal and commercial quest and opti conversions !--------------------------------------------
Additional Charges:
UV tile : $5+
(This is if your model uses more than two meshes in UV tile discard format. I.E: Hairs one mesh, shoes another. If there are more than two, an upcharge may be given as I have to redo a lot of unity work to make the model work for quest.)
Excessive decals : $5
(This is if every single mesh on your avi uses decals for material swaps. If your model is not heavy, this charge does not apply.)

TERMS OF SERVICE:➔ All payments are final for my work, no refunds➔ If an update in the future breaks the quest version, I am not responsible to fix any errors on the model, though I may and will assist in finding a way to fix the issue. I WILL fix any oversight issues with the model if I missed something.➔ If it is a paid model that you are requesting me to make into a quest version, you MUST have permission from the original creator for me to make it quest, as well as proof of purchase of the model. You must send me screenshotted PROOF of the creator giving me the okay to work on the model. Some creators will require me to own the avatar as well to work on it, and in the event I cannot afford to buy the model to work on it for you, I have the right to cancel the work.➔ Payment is not required until I am done with the work.➔ Please be patient with my working times, as I also work a job IRL and sometimes do not have time to work on things on a day to day basis.➔ Please please PLEASE give me credit for the quest conversion work if it is for commercial sales.➔ For pens, I can only set up a pen for quest models for personal use with the yagi pen asset.➔ If it is a personal quest conversion, please do not share my conversion work with anyone else, especially if it is a paid model. that is leaking.